Synopsis: Long ago, six powerful Galaxy Weapons with the potential to rule the universe were scattered on Earth to escape the clutches of a cosmic villain, Demons, and his minions. On Earth, a group of unlikely heroes rises to the challenge. Victor, a flawed but determined boy, teams up with Tobots—robots who are not always as just as they seem. Together, they face off against Demons’ forces and a tragic villain named Bubblecat, who has his own reasons for turning to darkness.
Meanwhile, in the peaceful Smile City, Taepoong, a regular boy, discovers that his father is a legendary Tobot pilot. With Earth under siege by Space Pirates, Taepoong must step up, grow into a hero, and protect his loved ones with the help of his Tobot companions.
This Tobot series blends humor, action, and heartfelt moments to deliver a coming-of-age story about justice, growth, and finding the strength to protect what truly matters.