Toonz Entertainment


Moka is an animated series intended for the little ones from 3 to 5 years old. Our young audience follows the mini adventures of Moka, a baby bear who loves drifting off and being carried away in a dreamlike world composed by captivating yet calming shapes and colors. Moka’s universe is intended to soothe the audience to foster their attentive listening skills and offer an easy, peaceful, efficient learning process. Naturally, the joy of discovering and learning new words and languages is at the heart of Moka’s adventures and his interactions with cheerful characters who don’t speak Moka’s language.

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  • Format : 15 x 2.5’
  • Genre : Learning words, CGI Animation
  • Target : Kids
  • Territories : Worldwide except Canada, Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab, Emirates, Yemen, Cyprus, Turkey & Japan


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